During the Month of February, our in-person events brought people together for both learning and self-reflection. There is a thread that unites them all: love, compassion, heart matters, creativity, and moving past mind’s obstacles. Check out the workshops hosted by Armonia Health on our mindbody widget as well as others that are hosted by practitioners on this website. These include Heart-Centered Creative Entrepreneurs’ Support Circle, Elements for the Creative Heart with Judith Winston, T-Group with Benji Whitehurst, AstroDream and Ba Zi Astrology zoom circles with Arthur-Link, Strengt Club on zoom with Natasha.
The following poem was creating using words and worlds from the Heart-Centered Creative Entrepreneur’s Support Circle where Rinah presented on: Being Love Driven in a Fear Driven World on 2/12/23. Enjoy, reflect, be inspired, join us! Sign up for our monthly newsletters that are usually delivered around the new and full moon.
Photo by Alli Remler on UnSplash
by Rinah Rachel Galper
Entering portals of peace and awe With crystaliine clarity and curiosity we cross thresholds into the heartlands to witness in wonder Courage’s fierce and tender lotus laboring to blossom amidst the shadows and lights of forgetting and re-membering our gifts and gentle intentions our love and fear melting magic and life’s water beads expanding, contracting, reshaping and revelling in their rainbow wet wildness.
Steadily (though not always soon enough for some) the heartlands become our breath rooted in the spaces and worlds between inhale and exhale life and death. And finally (or maybe just again) We awaken and become the Changes we must Be and Make.
And so it is, and so it is, and so it shall ever be that we of the heartlands roam and dance create and curate sacred circles that heal and hold us and the world as we usher all through portals and across thresholds where infinite love can survive and thrive always and forever.