Energy Healing

Energy healing is a broad term to describe the connection of the giver and receiver to Universal Life Force, Qi in Chinese, Ki in Japanese, Chu’lel in Maya, Prana in Sanskrit.  With energy healing, both hands are placed over or above different parts of the body, like neck, abdomen, feet, or low back for a few minutes.  The receiver may be fully clothed and is usually lying down.

Li-Lan incorporates Heart-Centered energy healing into her acupuncture & abdominal therapy sessions when called for.  Her introduction into energy healing officially started with taking Reiki after she finished her Masters in Oriental Medicine in 2005, but indirectly with her father teaching her basic Qi Gong when she was a teenager. Her motto is being Sacred Yin in Action, she can feel through her hands each person’s innate Light, which is what she brings forth to be integrated and remembered.

Oswaldo offers Spirit Energy Healing and spiritual coaching in person sessions.  In his sessions, he releases lower frequencies that are contributing to the manifestation of adverse patterns (energy blockages), thus allowing the person’s higher frequencies to have more space to take hold.  He may also used plant medicine of the Andes and South America to aid in the sessions.   Oswaldo has been a shamanic practitioner for over twenty years as well as a student and practitioner of New Thought.  He holds a Doctorate in Andean medicine.